Source code for collectd_haproxy.plugin

from .metrics import METRIC_XREF
from .connection import HAProxySocket
from .compat import iteritems, coerce_long

[docs]class HAProxyPlugin(object): """ The plugin class, workhorse that liasons between collectd and HAProxy. Rather than being instantiated directly, the `register()` method should be used to make a plugin, since it both creates an instance *and* takes care of the proper callback registration. """ name = "haproxy" def __init__(self, collectd): """ HAProxy Plugin constructor Since the collectd module is only available when the plugin is running in collectd's python process we use some dependency injection here. :param collectd: The collectd module. :type collectd: module """ self.collectd = collectd self.socket_file_path = None self.include_info = True self.include_stats = True self.include_frontends = True self.include_backends = True self.include_servers = True self.socket = None self.metrics = {} self.stats_type_mask = 0 @classmethod
[docs] def register(cls, collectd): """ Registers the plugin's callbacks with the given collectd module. Since the collectd module is only available when the plugin is running in collectd's python process we use some dependency injection here. :param collectd: The collectd module. :type collectd: module """ instance = cls(collectd) collectd.register_config(instance.configure, collectd.register_init(instance.initialize, collectd.register_read(,
[docs] def configure(self, config): """ The 'configure' collectd callback for the plugin. Iterates over the config object's `children` attribute and sets any applicable attributes on the plugin instance. :param config: The collectd Config instance. Passed in automatically by collectd itself. :type config: collect.Config """ self.collectd.debug("configuring") for node in config.children: if node.key == "Socket": self.socket_file_path = node.values[0] elif node.key == "IncludeInfo": self.include_info = bool(node.values[0]) elif node.key == "IncludeStats": self.include_stats = bool(node.values[0]) elif node.key == "IncludeFrontendStats": self.include_frontends = bool(node.values[0]) elif node.key == "IncludeBackendStats": self.include_backends = bool(node.values[0]) elif node.key == "IncludeServerStats": self.include_servers = bool(node.values[0]) else: self.collectd.warn("Unknown config option: '%s'" % node.key) if not self.socket_file_path: self.collectd.error("No HAProxy socket path configured!") self.collectd.unregister_init(self.initialize) self.collectd.unregister_read(
[docs] def initialize(self): """ The 'initialize' collectd callback for the plugin. This callback fires after the 'config' one but before the 'read' one gets added to the loop. Instantiates a `collectd.Values` for each known metric (these are used to dispatch actual values to collectd) as well as sets up the `HAProxySocket` for fetching the values. """ self.collectd.debug("initializing") self.metrics = {} for metric_name, xref in iteritems(METRIC_XREF): self.metrics[metric_name] = self.collectd.Values(, type=xref[1], type_instance=xref[0] ) self.socket = HAProxySocket(self.collectd, self.socket_file_path)"Using socket path '%s'" % self.socket_file_path)
[docs] def read(self): """ The 'read' collectd callback for the plugin. Simple method that calls `collect_info()` and/or `collect_stats()` based on the configuration. """ if self.include_info: self.collect_info() if self.include_stats: self.collect_stats()
[docs] def collect_info(self): """ Method for sending HAProxy "info" metrics to collectd. Iterates over the metric names and values provided by the socket and dispatches each known one to collectd. """ self.collectd.debug("reading info") for label, value in self.socket.gen_info(): if label not in self.metrics: continue self.metrics[label].dispatch(, values=[value] )
[docs] def collect_stats(self): """ Method for sending HAProxy "info" metrics to collectd. Iterates over the metric names and values provided by the socket, checking that the metric is a known one and taking care of numeric coercion before dispatching to collectd. """ stats = self.socket.gen_stats( self.include_frontends, self.include_backends, self.include_servers ) for proxy_name, values in stats: server_name = values.pop("svname") plugin_instance = ".".join([proxy_name, server_name]) for label, value in iteritems(values): if label not in self.metrics: continue if not value: value = 0 try: value = coerce_long(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): continue self.metrics[label].dispatch( plugin_instance=plugin_instance, values=[value] )